In the spring of 2023, Friends of Plumas Wilderness gathered with community members, local Tribal and Indigenous communities, and elected officials, to meet and discuss the potential for developing a national monument in the Upper Feather River Watershed. We are extremely grateful to those who attended for their thoughtful participation, feedback, and for the continued dialogue that has come out of those outreach events about how we might best truly protect and care for this place we know and deeply love.
Our mission at Friends of Plumas Wilderness is to study, explore, and maintain the integrity of the natural ecosystems where the Northern Sierra and Southern Cascades meet. We recognize the exquisite beauty of this place and its importance to a diversity of unique floral and fauna species and the value of the ecosystem to human and nonhuman communities alike. We are committed to protecting these resources from the threats imposed by extractive industries that could harm our already fragile watershed. Establishing a national monument with a community-devised management plan has the potential to offer a locally-driven strategy to safeguard our waters and manage our shared forests.
Throughout the course of our spring outreach campaign, one thing became evident; we all share a profound passion for the importance and beauty of this watershed that we mutually cherish. We are heartened by this shared love of place and committed to working together to safeguard these shared values for generations to come and we are looking at all the tools available to protect this watershed.
We are focused on establishing strong relationships with Tribal communities and deepening collaborations with our partners on locally-based projects that align with our mission to protect the health of the Upper Feather River Watershed.
If you wish to learn more about our history and projects, explore volunteer opportunities, or contribute as a member of Friends of Plumas Wilderness, we encourage you to explore our website and reach out to us at hello@plumaswilderness.org.
We look forward to continuing the conversation with you!
The Board of Friends of Plumas Wilderness
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